Pony Dressage
CDNP - An FEI Pony Dressage competition that is held within a country for that National Federation's pony riders. The FEI highly recommends that a National Federation's rules and regulations should follow as closely as possible to the FEI International Rules and Regulations.
CDIP - An international event open to individual riders from the host country and from an unrestricted number of foreign countries. A Nations Cup may not be organised at this event. The compeition must be open to foreign riders and the event must be held under FEI rules and the program approved by the FEI.
CDIOP - An international event open to three or more National Federations represented by teams. The competition must include the official team and individual tests and usually includes a Kur (freestyle to music). No more than two CDIOP's may be run during the one year in the same country. The event is open to one team from the host country and one team from each of the foreign countries. A pony team consists of 3 to 4 rider/pony combinations of which the best 3 results count. Alternatively, organisers may organise a team competition with teams of 2 or 3 riders/pony combinations. CDIOP and CDIP may be held in conjunction at the same event.
CDI's for ponies are usually run in conjunction with CDI's for horses, juniors and children.
A rider can compete from the start of the year he/she turns 12 to the end of the year that he/she turns 16 as a pony rider. For international level events, ponies must be a minimum of 6 years of age.

Pony Jumping
For dressage, a pony must be 148 cms or under without shoes but for jumping, the FEI has a rule that for international FEI pony jumping competitions a pony may measure 150 cms or under without shoes.
The same basic rules for dressage apply in relation to CSIP and CSIP for pony jumping.
For Championships and CSIOPs the jumping course shall consist of 10 to 12 obstacles requiring no more than 15 efforts. The maximum number of combinations shall be one double and one triple or three doubles. Obstacles must be strong and impressive in appearance as it must be taken into consideration that ponies are lighter in weight than Horses and must be able to effect knock-downs.
In qualifying competitions and Team Championships, maximum height is 1.30 m and spread 1.40 m (1.60 m for the triple bars). In the individual Championship maximum height is 1.35 m, and spread 1.45 m (1.60 m for the triple bars).
At CSIOPs (Nations Cup) the maximum height and spread shall not exceed those specified for similar Competitions at a Championship.
At CSIP Events, the same maximum dimensions shall apply, but a height of 1.20 m and a spread of 1.30 m in the first round are recommended. In any jump-off the obstacles may be raised and spread by a maximum of ten centimetres (10 cm) but may never exceed a height of 1.40 m or a spread of 1.50 m (1.60 m for triple bars). The water jump, including the take-off, may not exceed 3.30 m. The minimum distance between the obstacles of a combination is seven metres, and the maximum distance is 11 metres.

Pony Eventing
As per FEI Eventing rules, except for specific competitions limited to ponies, all international competitions are open equally to horses and ponies, providing the ponies and their riders meet all relevant qualifications.
At pony only eventing competitions, the ponies perform the 2014 CCIP1 Special Pony test for CCIP* and at Championship level and CCIP** level, ponies perform the 2015 B1* Test.